Story Telling Portraits


“Eyes Wide Open”

“Why Wake up”

“Look to the Light”


Since 2023, I have painted several portraits that seek to uncover the emotions behind untold stories. Often, I don’t fully know the story as I begin painting, but as the work unfolds, the narrative reveals itself. The piece that started it all, titled Peace, represents how the Lord protected me through my struggles with mental health. It depicts a girl who appears strong and at peace, even as a storm approaches in the background.

Two of my paintings feature a luna moth, a symbol that has appeared throughout my life in meaningful ways. When I was around five years old, my dad found a luna moth in an airport parking lot and carried it home to me. That moth has remained preserved in a shadow box in my room ever since. Luna moths are beautiful yet fleeting creatures, drawn to light and filled with purpose despite their short lives. In these paintings, the luna moth symbolizes the beauty and love of the Holy Spirit.

Another self-portrait, titled Why Wake Up, captures the feeling of daydreaming upon waking—the reluctance to leave the vivid world created in one’s mind. Similarly, Elsewhere portrays the experience of being physically present while the mind drifts to another place. Each of these paintings carries a deeply personal meaning, reflecting moments of introspection, faith, and emotional connection.


The Luna Moth


California Trip